Exclusive Footage: Suspect in @Fidelity_Secure uniform caught on camera during Boxer Supermarket armed robbery

An armed robbery took place at Boxer Supermarket earlier today. According to witnesses, the suspect was wearing a @Fidelity_Secure uniform

An armed robbery took place at Boxer Supermarket earlier today. According to witnesses, the suspect was wearing a @Fidelity_Secure uniform, which has raised concerns about the involvement of security personnel in the incident.

The robbery took place at around 11:00 am this morning, and the suspect was armed with a handgun. The suspect entered the store and approached the cashier, demanding all the money in the cash register. The cashier complied, and the suspect fled the scene on foot.

The police were immediately notified of the incident and arrived at the scene within minutes. They are currently investigating the incident and are looking for any leads that may help them apprehend the suspect.

The use of a security uniform has raised concerns about the involvement of security personnel in the incident. @Fidelity_Secure, the security company whose uniform the suspect was allegedly wearing, has issued a statement condemning the incident and denying any involvement in the robbery.

"We are deeply concerned about the alleged involvement of one of our uniforms in the armed robbery at Boxer Supermarket. @Fidelity_Secure does not condone criminal activity in any form and we are cooperating fully with the police in their investigation," the statement reads.

The police have urged anyone with information about the incident to come forward and assist them in their investigation. They have also advised business owners to be vigilant and to ensure that their security personnel are properly vetted and trained.

"We are calling on anyone who may have witnessed the incident or who has any information that could help us to apprehend the suspect to come forward. We also want to remind business owners to ensure that their security personnel are properly vetted and trained to prevent incidents like this from happening," said a police spokesperson.

The incident has left the community in shock and has raised concerns about the safety of businesses in the area. The police have assured the public that they are doing everything in their power to apprehend the suspect and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

As the investigation continues, the police have urged anyone with information about the incident to contact them immediately.

This is a developing news, and we will continue to update you as more information becomes available.

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